FOOD FOR THOUGHT.Man "You and I" was made by God.our life was given by God.God gives man "You and I" the opportunity to grow in the likeness of God.What a Tragedy for man "You and I" to become so involved in worldly things till we has no time for God,the forces of materialism is at work that further weakened man's positon in God's word the,philosophy and seclarism played their roles in raising doubts in which satan is the commander, and fostering skepticism about God's word the gospel of Jesus Christ.(read-Gen-1-26-30)and (John-14-6-7).
Our willingness to rely upon God, rather than circumstances,renews our spiritual resources.Having His wisdom for all of life's decisions,we can pursue our earthly pilgrimag successfull.Faith in God through Jesus Christ,a sense of divine purpose in whatever situation we live,and the certainty that our loving Heavenly Father knows what is best for us.We must be alert to the potential pitfalls of self-reliance.(read Matt-7-7-14).I am not ashamed of the gospel,because it is power of God for salvation of everyone who believes,first for the Jew,than for the Gentiles.(Rom-1-16-23).For the message of cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.(read 1 corit-18-30)
Many people are not interested in God.they say or rather wish there is no God.others says if there were a God there wouldn't be so Much trouble in the world. is it not cheap to blame God in this way? we are most inconsistent in Determining guilt,this exempting ourselves.?.have we ever asked ourselves what the cause of all These problem?shouldn't we look for the cause lies with us?.because we donn't consider God,we Live in this world without God.You and I" are responsible for our sins. We cannot blame God or others or even the devil (read jam-1-13-15).
The consequences of disobedience."YOU AND I" see the consequences of disobeying God.First,there is shame and embarrassment.Adam and Eve felt exposed and began a cover-up operation.(read Gen-3-7) How quickly would we want to leave the room if every action we had ever done was displayed on a screen,followed by a written list of every thought we had ever etertained? We all feel ashamed and embarrassed by our sin. We don't want people to find us out.We often put up barrier around us to avoid the possibillty of being found out.(read Rom-6-14) if sin is not forgiven,It stop "YOU and I" TO GO TO HEAVEN.(read Gal-5-19-20)
Adam and Eve's friendship with God was broken.When they heard God coming,they hid Gen-3-8.Many people to day shy away from God's word the gospel of Jesus Christ.They don't want to face up to the fact of possibility of His existence.Like Adam they are afraid of given their life to Jesus Christ.some have a real fear of going to church or mixing with christains.If we claim to be without sin,we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.If we confess our sins,JESUS CHRIST is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.If we claim we have not sinned,we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lifes. (read 1-John-1-8-10.) COME TO JESUS CHRIST TO DAY TOMORROW MEY BE TOO LATE.
There is a separation between Adam and Eve themselves.Adam blames Eve. Eve blames satan the devil.But they and "You and I" are responsible for our sins. We cannot blame God or others or even the devil (read jam-1-13-15).We see this in our society today.When people turn away from God,they start fighting one another.We see the breakdown of relationship wherever we look.marriages,homes,at work,civil war and war between was deceived by satan,we see how his deception led Adam and Eve away from God.Satan"s use Islam,Hinduism,Japan's shinto ,Chinese god Taoism and confucainism,Buddhism,Occult and Sects to led men away from God. They may seem right to "You and I" but they all leads to death.There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. (read Prov-14-12) There is no peace,says my GOD for the wocked. (Ish-57-21.)and Ish-59-1-2) The soul who sin will die.(read-Ezek-18-18-21).
Sign of the end of time.(luk-21-10-18.( john-6-43-44-51).(luk-12-51-53.) The moden Disblief. God is no longer a habitual concern for human beings less and less do they call Him to mind as they go through their or make their decisions.God has disappeared from the consciosness of humen beings "You and I".For all "you and I" have sinned and fall short of God's glory.(rom-3-23) Then the kings of the earth,the princes,the generals, the rich,the mighty,and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.They called to the mountains and the rocks.Fall on us and hide us from the face of HIM who sits on the thron and from the wrath of the LAMB.For the great day of their wrath has come,and who can stand?. (read Rev-6-15-17)think of it second time.
God love us more than any human father, and wants the best for us.Sadly people feel they can do it on their own.They think,"I can do a little better then God.God is a bit out of touch.God has't caught up with the modern world and the things that we enjoy.I think I will run my own life and keep God well out of it"But we can never do a brtter job than God,and sometime we end up making an awful mess.God said,For I know the plans I have for you,declares the Lord GOD,plane to prosper you and not to harm you,plane to give you hope and a future.Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me,and I will listen to you.You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (read Jerem-29-11-14)
Am I only a God nearby, declares the Lord.and not a God far away? CAN ANY ONE HIDE IN SECRET PLACES SO THAT I CANNOT SEE HIM? decares the LORD.Do not I fill heaven and earth declares the LORD.(read Jrerm-23-23-24) The little secrifice God ask us to make are nothing when compare them with the sacrifice that God made for us.If Christ can die for us,nothing is too had for us to do for God.(read Matt-6-5-13) Jesus christ make "You and I" to see God as our Father.
The position that it is of no consequance what man believe, is one of satan's most successful deception. he knows that the truth the gospel of JESUS CHRIST recieve in the love of it santcifies the soul of the reciever.Please take time to read this message prayerfully.You will be blessed beyond measure and grow into a strong Christian. I AM PRAYING FOR YOU.
Our motivation for living the Christain life is the love of our Father God.Our model in life is the example of the Son Jesus Christ.The means by which we can live this life is the power of the Holy Spirit (read john-14-15-31).How great God is and what a privilege it is to walk in a relationship with God, to be loved by Him,and to serve Him,all our live.It is the best,most rewarding,fulfilling,meaningful,satisfying way to live.Indeed it is here we find the answers to the great questions of life.
Satan's most successful deceptions,When the foundation is wrong what can the righteous do? (Ps-11-3) You saw a counterfeit in the market does not prove the absence of good money in the market.It pre-supposes the presence of good money.PLS, Do not use your weakness as a standerd.
Throughout the New testament we find satan and his demond espousing doctrinal truths.But did this intellectual belief "profit them"?.It did not,and in will not profit those who merely subscribe to certain belief intellectually.Faith that does not shew itself outwardly is no different from the faith of satan and his demons.(james-2-17).Any professed faith that fails to stir the Chirstian to energetic performance is dead,useless and stagnant.such faith has no life or movement in it.It is easy to talk about faith in Christ,receiving Christ,and commitment to Christ,but the proof is in the product.
The church of Rome fall from being progressive,far from giving a spiritual lead,it was retrograde and decadent,corrupt in all its members.Papacy claimed Apostolic succession,fall to preseved Christianity according to the founder Jesus Christ.The Roman catholic church fallure to preach the true gospel of JESUS CHRIST lead many to seach for the true God.Pope's sale of indulgences of many year ago,a commnon saying of the time was if you want to ruin you son,make him a priest.This is backed up by records sinful life style .There moral lapess,people complained of Christ ministers ,to days is catholic church "Gay priests" satan's product.not of Jesus Christ.people can be imitators and live like Christians,but not be saved.there is a false canfidence ,a fales security which showin arrogance boasting of an experince of salvation which never shows in a person's chracter,behavior and life will know them by there fruits.God is not one to be mocked,you reap what you
sows.(Galt-6-7) think of it.
BUDDHA ENLIGHTENMENT WITHOUT GOD.FOUR NOBLE TRUTH.1) All existence is suffering.2) suffering arises from desire or craving.3)cessation of desire means the end of suffering.4)cessation of desire is achieved by following and controlling one's conduct,thinking and belief.Buddhaism search for enlightment and salvation without God. The buddha most important sermon for mankind to be saved.One must avord both the course of sexsual indulgence and that of ascetcism and follow the middle way.All is wisdom of man it cannot save.Let go for God's own wisdom Jesus Christ.(read matt-6-25-34),(1-timo-6-17-19),(jems-4-1-3),(1-john-2-15-17).
The foundamental concept of buddhism is the knowledge and understanding lead to enlightment and salvation.but the complicated doctrines of the various school of buddhism have only produced the above mentioned helplessly,unrealistic,beyond the grip of most buddhism believers.Buddhism fall to grip whit life's qeustions,such as where do we come from?.why are we here?,and were do we go when we live the earth?. ( buddhism satan's counterfeit religion faith.)
Some sincer buddhist have recogniced the confusion buddha himself suffers in buddhism's role in mankind's seach for true God.Early buddism appears to have taken no accout of question of God,and certainly did not teach to or require belief in God.
Buddha on one occasion he and his disciples were in a forest.Buddha picked up a handful of leaves and said to his disciples,"what I have taught you is comparable to the leaves in my hand",what I have not taught you is comparable to the amout of leaves in the forest.This prove his was confused.
Buddha's taught of seeking enlightenment without God does not work.Instead,the average follower of buddhism is simply preoccupied with worshiping idols and demons,ancestors spirit,relics and meny other gods.They performing meny other rituals and practices that have little or nothing to proft them.
CHINESE god,Taoism and confucainism taught A seach for heaven's way by worshiping of idols,performing many other rituals can lead to heaven.(Taoism and confucainism satan's counterfeit religion faith.)
Japan's shinto taught of worship such as trees,stones,mirrors,and swords can lead them to God.the pratice of shamans or spirit mediums rituals to call down the gods is of satan.Japanes developed the expression "yaoyorozu-no-kami" which literally means eight millon gods.worship in many mountain in japan such as fuji and more places.all in the name of worshiping the Holy GOD. (Japan's shinto satan's counterfeit religion faith)
We cannot speak of Hindusm's pantheon of gods without mentioning its most sacred river the Ganga.Hinduism believe the river Ganga can removes all true is it? can the river Ganga give eternal life? hindus believe that the Ganges has the power to release,purfy,cleanse and cure believers.(read Rev-22-16-17.) Hindu teaching of hell, those who are very sinful in their earthly life have to undergo different kinds of punishment on hellish planets.
Hindus search for liberation.It is claimed that hinduism has 330 millions gods,yet it's said that hinduism is not polytheistic.How can? the concept of venerating animals,bathing in the Ganges,being divided by castes and a different way of understanding life.Hindus see life as a self repeating cycle in which hindes history is of little importance.while hinduism may lay claim to 330 million gods,in acctual practice ther are certain favorite gods that have become the focals.point for verious sects within Hinduism.the most prominent gods,Vishnu the preserver god,Brahma the creator god and siva the destroyer god.all have wifies.snake worship in hindu practiced mainly in bengel.Manasa is the goddes of snake in hindu,some of hinduism gods and goddes.Aditi,agni,brahman,durga,ganesa,ganga,hanuman,himalaya,kali,krishna,lakshmi,manasa,manu,mitra,nandi,natarajia,porvati,kali,prajpait,purusha,radha,rama,saraswati,shashil,trimurti,soma vishnu.and meny more.(hinduism has 330 millions
gods satan's counterfeit religion faith)
ACCORDING to Islamic tradction the Kabah was orignally build a sancturay for 360 idols,one for each day of the luner year in Saudi Arabia.The chief god was Allah that was centered in the mecca valley,at the sacred site of the Kabah,a simple cube like building where a black meteorit was revered.Muhammd did not die like HOLY BIBLE GOD's prophets. exmp-Moses read (Deut-33 and 34).Elijah (2-Kings-2)
but muhammed death leads to divistion and bloodshed the sunni muslim and shite muslims over his successor.
The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know.But the man who loves God is kown by God.(read 1-corith-8-2-3) all this faiths think they know God but they don't know Him.only through JESUS CHRIST (read john 3-16-18) For God so love the world "You and I". He give JESUS CHRIST that whoever that believes in HIM SHALL NOT perish but have eternal life.Were.O death,is your victory? Where.O death,is your sting? The sting of death is sin,and the power of sin is law.But thinks be to God!He give us the victory through our Lord JESUS CHRIST.(read 1-corith-15-54-57) WITH JESUS CHRIST TO DIE IS GAIN. wondoful. (read-Philp-1-21)
Quran and hadith are full of outrageous verses like these that to me are clear proof that Muhammad was not a prophet, but a cult leader. To force people to denounce their own family is what cults do. He was an impostor who lied so loudly and so forcefully that the ignorant people of his time believed in him. Then the following generations echoed these lies passing them to the next. Philosophers and writers were born in this atmosphere of lies and elaborated on them, embellished them, and made them credible. But when you go to the core of the religion, when you read the Quran and study the hadith you see they are nothing but pure nonsense. Rumi was a great poet and a mystic, he tried to give Islam mystical significance that it lacked.
The real Islam is the Islam that abuses women, that allows men to beat their wives, that imposes penalty tax on the religious minorities, that wants to dominate the world by subduing all the non-Muslims, that calls for Jihad and killing the non-believers until Islam becomes the only dominant religion of the World.( Islam satan's counterfeit religion faith).COME TO JESUS CHRIST TO DAY.
Have you ever asked Jesus to come in to you life?or you are not sure you are save if your answer is no.Pray this prayer with sincerity and confidence.LORD JESUS,I come to you today.I am a sinner,I can NOT help myself,forgive me my sins.cleanse me with your blood,deliver me From sin and satan,to serve the living,LORD I accept you as my LORD,And my personal savior.thank you JESUS,for saving me.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,who give himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age,according to the will of our God and Father,to whom be glory for ever and ever.Aman.
Send to you by missionary, OKECHUKWU ALILI. (JESUS CHRIST IS LORD)
The only church bulding the new Testament speaks about is a building made of peoples.Paul says that christians are being built together to become a dwelling in which God live by his Spirit.(read eph-2-22) Jesus Christ is the chief connerstone,He is the one who founded the church and around whom the church is built.A royal priesthood.(read 1 pet-2-9)All christian are priest in the sense that we all have access to God,we can all represent men to God,as we pray for others,and we all rpresent God to men as we go out into the world to preach the gospel of God's kingdom the second coming of Jesus Christ.
ROMANS-10-13 says,for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. 14,how, then can they call on the one they have not believed in? and how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15,and how can they preach unless they are sent? as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!.write to joining to support us preach the gospel to extend GOD's kingdom.pray for us.for more information reply to this e-mail,prove faith by work.-james-2-19.
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