We are Private Investigators and Intelligence Consultancy firm. My name is Mr.Eugene Howard. I am a senior partner of Howard Consultants. We are conducting a standard process investigation on behalf of ASN Bank Group(ASN).This investigation involves a client of ASN, who is a foreign national.
This is all about investments made by this client at the Private Banking arm of ASN.This ASN Private Banking client died interstate and nominated no successor in title over the investments made with the bank.
Are you aware of any relative/relation whose last known contact address was Monte Carlo in Monaco, and can you establish your eligibility to assume status of a successor in title to the deceased?
Please understand that we are constrained from providing you with more detailed information at this point though I will surely do in my next communication. Your prompt response may afford us the opportunity to close further investigation.
Because of time constraint, please send your response strictly, via my private email given yours such contact for quicker communications including your private telephone/Fax details.
Email Address: howardconsult@katamail.com
Thank you for accommodating this enquiry, as I will gladly welcome your response irrespective of your established relationship with the deceased.
Your immediate response is highly appreciated.
Eugene Howard.