FROM: ADAMS COLE,AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SECTION,TRUST FUND SAVINGS AND LOANS LTD.EMAIL: Good Day, I am ADAMS COLE; I am an Accountant with the above named bank. I am the personal Account Manager to a United Kingdom citizen and business man, Mr.HOPPER. On JUNE 12, 2005, Mr.HOPPER (hereafter referred to as my client),died after a brief illness and since then the entire family had been in a battle over is enourmous business chain thats worth billions of pounds. I owe it to you as his personal accountant to inform you that the funds he deposited with our institution is not been mentioned or known by anyone of the family due to the fact that i personally handled the deposit of the funds worth 9 million GBP. I have contacted you to assist me by presenting your claim to the institution that you are the foreign business partner which the funds were meant to be paid to by Mr.HOPPER which lead to the deposit of funds initialy due to the fact that you
were out of the country for business deals. I need inform you that there is a present deadline placed on the funds as an un-claimed fund if no one comes forward as the beneficiary of the funds as an agreement was reached by the depositor(Mr.HOPPER) and the management that in the event of death, a foreign allie would comeforth with evidence as the real owner of the funds.This was the main reason why the funds was not part of his legal will. I assure you that this proposal is 100% legit as i guarantee a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from the breach of the law and i need your trust and word of honour that you wouldn't abscond with my own share of the money as soon as the funds are transfered to you. Please get in touch with me by replying my email: ( as soon as possible as we have limited time left before the institution would stamp the funds as un-claimed funds into thier own personal treasure. Thank you for your anticipated
cooperation. Best regards,ADAMS COLE.
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