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Monday, February 12, 2007

From Miss Vivian Joseph

From: vivian Bamba J.Bamba -

i am vivian 22yrs lady the only remaining daugther of late Mr Joseph David the director of Red Sea Shiping Line company is formerly register in iran but because of all the problem betwen iran and iraq the company is no longer save then they decided to bring it down to africa Cote D'ivore then now resgiter in Cote D'ivore this there former web site WWW.REDSEASHIPPING.COM

that is why they give my father the contract as international company director.befor my father travel he called me confidentially and informed my mother and i that he depoisted the sum of 10.5million dollars that he deposited in bank here in abidjan pending the faithfulness and co-operation he also told us that he used my name as the next of kin as his only child in depositing the money he also advised me and my mother to take care that he will back in faw months unfortunately he died in high sea i am soliciting your kind assist to help my family me and my mother transfer this money for more investment of
there we are going to offer you 20% of the total sum as compensation for your effort after the successfull transfer
If intresting on this send your cv and as you send it to let me know watting for your responds

Please, contact me
Vivian Joseph

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