I will firstintruduce my self to you. I am Barrister Allen cola a
lawyer byprofession who is based in Lagos Nigeria.I am a confidential
lawyerto Mrs Stella Obasanjo the wife of Nigeria President who diedon
22/10/2005 in a spanish hospital where she was undergoingoperation.
Before her sudden death, she deposited the sum of tenmillion united state
dollars ($10m) in one security and finance companyin london and all the
documents are now with me in my chamber.
As amatter of urgency I need your help and assistance to receive the
moneyon my behalf as a deal, I will compensate you with 35% of the total
sumwhile 60% will be for me.5% will be used for any expenses thatmay
arise in the process of collecting the money from the securitycompany.
Yoururgent reply is highly needed because i will like thismoney to be within
yourreach before ten day from the day you reply.As soon as you indicate
your interest,I will send the copy of thedeposit certificate to you and i
will give you the power of attorneyfrom the high court and a copy will be
sent to the security companywhich will enable the security company to
contact you for thecollection of the money.
I will come over to your country as soon asyou have secured the money
from the security.I will like to invest partof my share of the money in
your country in any good and profitablebusiness with you as a guide. Please
for security reasons, keep thistransaction within yourself for our own
interest. Until I hear fromyou, my dreams will rest squarely on your
shoulders. May the almighty(GOD) continue to guide and protect you.I
look forward to hearing fromyou. Kindly send your responce to my private
Email; ;or call me on this number 2348050856995
Best Regards,
Barrister Allencola
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