Dear Beloved One In Christ I am Mrs. Rose Johnson, from netherlands, but i am married to a Nigerian I am now a new Christian convert,suffering from long time cancer of the Lungs. My late husband was killed during the Niger Delta Region War, and during the period of our marriage we had a son who was also killed in a cold blood during the Niger Delta Region War. My late husband was very wealthy and after his death,I inherited all his business and wealth.I selected you after visiting the willing to donate the sum of $30.5Million US Dollars to th motherlessbabyhomes, needy,poor,charity homes and widows too. My personal physician told me that I may not live for more than six months Lastly,I want you to be praying for me as regards my entirelife and my health because I have come to find out since my spiritual birth lately that wealth acquisition without Jesus Christ in one's life is vanity upon vanity.REPLY AS SOON ASPOSSIBLE. MRS.Rose JOHNSON....
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
Dear Beloved One In Christ
From: rose johnson -