My dearest one
How is your business and other things, including health of your family? I hope that everything is working for you as you wish it to be; if so glory be to God in the highest. Please i got your name and contact since two weeks ago in the internet and i have been praying and meditating over it but i have today finally decided to contact you and know if you can be able to assist me on this issue i am about to explain to you.Please i will like if you can be honest and sincere when you are to reply me back; Please don't think of cheating me on this issue please because i believes that God almighty shall surely pay each and everyone according to our deeds.I want to promise you that you are actually going to benefit alot if you sincerely give me your helping hand.
I am Miss Rosemary Samba the only daughter of late Mr. Wilfred Samba. my Father was a very wealthy cocoa merchant in Abidjan the economic capital of CoteD'Ivoire but he were poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their business trips last two years.
My mother died when I was a baby and since then my father took me so special and he were the one that brought me up snigle handedly. Before the death of my father in a private hospital here in Abidjan, he called me on his bed side and told me that he has the sum of Sixteen Million five hundred thousand United State dollars ( $16 .500,000 ) left in a bank and that he used my name as his only daughter and his next of kin to deposit it. He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisoned by his business associates and that he believed that the plan to eliminate him were actually hatched by his elder brother which had been jeleouse of his up rosen in business.He also adviced me to becareful about my life because he knew that they might come after me some day since i am his only hare to inherit his wealth. He then adviced me to seek for a foreign partner in a country of my choice where I will transfer this money and use it for investment purpose
such as real estate management or hotel management. Please I am sincerely seeking your assistance in the following ways :-
1) To provide account into where the bank my late father deposited the fund will transfer the fund.
2) To serve as a guardian of this fund and also my guarding since i am only 19years old; i also want you to promise me that you are going to invest the money and also help me take care of the investment till i becomes matured enought to manage it or till i marries then my husband can take over from you.
3) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education and to secure a resident permit in your country.
If God Almighty have done it that I can live out of these enemies that poisoned my father and my fathers family members which have being trying to get me killed because of my father's properties ever since his death.They have snatched every single property that my father had from me; and now they are after my life because they are afread that i might revolte against them and collect back my inheritance from them when i completes my education and gets married. Moreover I am willing to offer you 20% of the total sum as compensation for your assistance to me after the successful transfer of this fund into your nominated bank account. Furthermore, i want you to indicate your option towards assisting me. the bank manager told me that the tranfer process would be concluded within seven days if we co-operates with the procedures of tranfer and next of kin claiming codes,He also said that it is risk free since the money is my father's and i am the registered next of kin and it
culminated from genuie business transactions and not from drug or any other illegal transaction.He also said that they have been doing this type of transfer for a long time now and that i am not the first person or the last.Thanks for atleast paying attention to this my mail and also making out your preciouse time to go through it, may the almight God grant you all your heart desire in life and solve all your problems for you as you are comteplating on how to help me out.
I am waiting your urgent reply. Thanks God bless
Sincerely yours,
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Découvrez le blog Yahoo! Mail : dernières nouveautés, astuces, conseils.. et vos réactions