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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Dearest one

From: elis tin -

Dearest one My name is Elizabeth M.Tinambacan,The wife of Rev. Jemias Tinambacan who was the Deputy Secretary General of Bayan Muna party-list group in Southern Tagalog.who is recently attack and killed in philippine on the 9 May 2006. Before my late husband was killed,I inherited sum total of ($14,000.000USD. Fourteen Million USDollars) from some cocoa business import we made with my late husband,this money which i put in a metallic trunk box and deposited it in a security and finance company in abroad.This deposit was coded under a secret arrangement as a family treasure.This means that the security company does not know the content of this trunk box. Since the death of my late husband the philippine.
I will like to invest part of the money into these three investment in your Country but,if there is any other business that is better than what I am suggesting,I will be very glad to follow your advice. 1). Real estate2). The transport industry3). Five star hotel I am contacting you because I want you to help me in securing the money in the vault by helping me in rectrict the box from the security company for the future of our children.since my late husband family made it impossible for me to move out of the house and they are monitoring my room phone call through the house extentions.I hope to trust you as who will not sit on this money when you claim it.i made up my mind to give you 15%of the total money for your help,after you have secured the box for my kids future. Hopping to hear from you.
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