---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: duke mayor <duke11@bk.ru>
Date: Sep 9, 2006 8:00 AM
Good Day,
Permit me to introduce myself, my name is Mr.Duke Mayor. I work
with a bank here in Nigeria. UNION BANK NIG PLC(Assistant Managing Director)
In the discharge of my duty, I stumbled on this domicilary account that has remained
dormant for three years now with Five million Five Hundred Thousand
dollars US$5.5m in it.
I contacted my Director and we sent out staff for enquiries and
discovered that the account holder (Mr Ben cockrell) died in a plane
I am writing you so that we can work together to remit the money to you as
the next's of kin because this money belongs to a foreigner and has to
be claimed by a foreigner.
I guarantee this transaction under a legitimate arrangements that will
not breach the law by both parties, it is simple process which will
take a short while to process.
If I hear from you, I will tell you all you need to Know about the
Email me on my private box at:unionbnkonline@myway.com
Best Regards,
Mr.Duke Mayor