I have interest of investing in your country as well seek your services in a
private confidential matter regarding the late account holder who died
leaving some funds unclaimed in our bank without any beneficiary.This
requires a private arrangement. Could you perhaps be able to receive these
funds under legal claims then I will fill you in. I am willing to Part with
30% of the total funds for your participation and assistance.
I need assistance from a trustworthy and reliable person whom I will fill in
as the beneficiary to provide an account where this fund will be remitted.I
have all the details and will fill you in if you are really willing.Your
major role would be to open a bank account where the funds will be
The funds in question are quite large (about US$57.5M). I will expect a
straight answer from you.Yes or no.If yes,then let's work out the modalities
and i will expect to have your most confidential phone number to call you
for oral explanation before we proceed.
Closing with anticipation.
Mr. Vincent Nelson.
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