Hello My love

I am very happy to meet your mail,
how is your life over there? i hope you are well sounded in good health if so may thanks be to God Almighty, my Dear ; i saw your contact through your profile in the site and i picked intrest in you, now i will like to introduce my self under this canoppy of contact with my veiw, which i know that God will help us, i am miss Geogil Boseniryo, a 21 years old girl from rwanda daughter to late Mr Jean Boseniryo a once minister in rwanda who was later killed during the problem in rwanda on january 29th 1997' now i am in dakar senegal under refugee with my mother' because after the death of my father my only brother Mr Alexandre Boseniryo was jailed by the aligation of the enemy and he died in the jail, now my uncle started to persecute us about my fathers properties ' which he later snatched from us under treathning. now there is nothing we can do than to run for our life' which is very important to us' now i am in critical condition with my mother ' some one to be under refugee with her mother' to compare with senegal where things are very hard' every thing is high. now i have desided to get married by this my age' while i suppose to be in school by now' but nothing i can do'because i can not deside to go for prostitution' is over my dead body.in fact you are the one i am looking for in my life for help' which i know that you can not disappoint me in life.now the only thing that makes me to feel happy at times is that my father left the sum of 4.900'000 us dollar in the finance house which i am the only person that is aware of it' the next of kin' and the whole documments and contacts is with me' because my father loves me very much that was why he gave me every information about that money. now i have called the finance house and they told me that unless i have some body who will represent me with all the documments that is requaried' that the are not going to release the money. so this is why i am looking for whom will go for it' who God fearing and trustworthy..so if you are intrested in helping me' feel free to reply'so you can go for it' and transfar it to your account' then it will be for us instade been in the bank because i want immiediately after the transfer you will send me some money to prepare my traveling document and meet you over there to carry on my education careier, while my mother will start a very good business there. My Dear, i will be happy to discause with you on phone, although that i don't have phone here because the rules of the camp condemed refugees using phone, but i want you to call me through the UN lawyer who is indeffends of this camp, His name is Barrister Lammy Moore, his phone number is 00221 5820286 if you called him, then you will tell him that you want to speak with miss Geogil Boseniryo, then he will send for me.
Thanks and be blessed.
With Love And Trust
Yours Geogil