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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Dearest Partner

From: alice idris -

Dearest Partner,

I am Mrs Alice Idirs from Ivory Coast. I am a widow being that I lost my husband a couple of months ago. My husband was a serving director of the Cocoa exporting board until his death .
He was assassinated last january by the rebels following the political uprising. Before his death he deposited some money in one security company here in Abidjan the metallic trunk box is to the tune of $10.5M.
According to my late husband, the money is meant for unward transfer to his partner for the importation of cocoa processing machine. I have plans to do investment in your country, like real estate and industrial production.
This is my reason for writing to you. Please if you are willing to assist me and my only son John, indicate your interest in replying soonest.
N/B:Please contact me immediately with this mail God bless you
Thanks and best regards.
Mrs.Alice Idirs

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