C/O UN-DP Bote postale 1747
Abidjan 01, Cte d'Ivoire
(rue): 9me tage, Imm.
Longchamp- Safarriv/ Angle, avenue Marchand,
Abidjan Plateau, Cte d'Ivoire.
C/O/ Fodday Kabia.
Good Day to you,
Introduction ; I am Mr Fodday Kabia Gambian Citizen Working with the United Nation as a Driver.
Is my pleasure to introduce the Family of an Army General taking refuge in this country under political asylum the general died recently for the course of wounds sustained during his country's civil war. His wife disclosed that the general her husband has a deposit of $8.4 millions in a finance
company and that she would need an individual whom She will introduce as her late husband business partner to help her receive the money and invest with it also with reasonable offer from her She needs a honest person who will be giving her interest as will be agreed after the investment.
Note that Her most need is their safety in your country as they will be relocating. Please if you are interested respond ASAP so to link you with her for negotiations .
Regards .
Mr Fodday Kabia
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