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Saturday, October 07, 2006


From: james jimmy -

34 Parliament Street
York, YO18SG,UK
Would you like to work online from home and get paid weekly ,A&C
limited needs a book-keeper inthe state,so i wantto know if you will
like to work online from home andgetting paid weekly without leaving or
affecting urpresent job?My name is James Jimmy, I and my Wife Cherry own A&C DONKLEY LTD
(QUALITY WALL & FLOOR TILES) in London,(United Kingdom)I have been with
the company since 1995. I am the son of James Jimmy, and Carol Dunkley
(hence the company name, A & C Dunkley) so for the majority of my life i have been
involved with the business. I have recently been appointed as Managing Director
following my father's retirement after 31 years in business.I live in
London United Kingdom, with my two kids, four cats, one dog and the love of my life my wife is definitely a full house, I have been designer since I was a small
child That gives me about 23 years of experience, I majored in
designing in high school and took a few college art courses.
I have recently added designing and producing mables and tiles to so
many companies, I have been selling our products for the past 3 years and
have had my work featured on trading cards, prints and in magazines, I have sold
in galleries and to private collectors from all around the world. I am
always facing serious difficulties when it comes to selling my products
to American companies and other companies in all arround the world, they are
always offering to pay with COMPANY'S CHEQUE which is difficult for me
to cash here in London United Kingdom due to our government and taxes.
I am looking for a representative in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA who will
be working for me as a part time worker and i will be willing to pay
10% for
every transaction, which wouldn¡¯t affect your present state of work,
someone who would help me receive payments from my customers in the
states , I mean someone that is responsible and reliable, because the
cost of coming to the state to get payments is very expensive, I am working on
setting up a branch in the state this year, so for now i need a representative in
the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OR IN CANADA who will be handling thepayment aspect for our company.My clients make payments for our supplies every week
in form of United States Postal Money Orders which arenot readily
cashable outside the US, so we need someone in the states to work as our
representative and assist us in processing the payments from our clients.
you in your name if you are willing to assist as a representative, so all you need
do is cash the cheque deduct your percentage and then wire the rest to us.
NOTE: All charges or tax will be deducted from the money, so you are rest
assured that you wouldn¡¯t spend a dime out of your personal money.If
you are interested, please get back to us as soon as possible via email
with the listed information stated below so that we can commence
immediately.Thanks for your assistant and God bless,

Mr James Jimmy,
Director of A&C DONKLEY LTD
London, United Kingdo

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