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Monday, October 09, 2006


From: williams cowen -

Greetings !!!

I do hope this letter will not come to you as a surprise; it was borne Out
of my sincere desire to share a mutual business relationship with you, I
work as an administrative secretary to FINACIAL SECURITY COMPANY LOME TOGO
Ltd . I got the Information concerning you from chamber of commerce

I decided to contact you believing that by the Grace of Allah you will
accept to be my partner in this business. I have been working with this
Company for years now.Within this period, I have watched with meticulous
precision how African Heads of States and Government officials across the
world have been using''FINACIAL SECURITY COMPANY LOME TOGO Ltdto move huge
sums of money USD, Pounds Sterling, French Francs- (Cash ) to their foreign
partners.They brought in these consignments of money cash and secretly
declare the Contents as precious stones, family treasure, African Arts
work/Antiquities etc.General Sanni Abacha of Nigeria (Dead) Mobutu Sese-Seko
of Zaire (Dead) Foday Sankoy of Sierra Leone etc.

All these people have hundreds of consignments deposited with FINACIAL
SECURITY COMPANY LOME TOGO Ltd .Their foreign partners, friends and
relatives, are claimingmost of these consignment. A lot of them are lying
here unclaimed for as much as fifteen years now Nobody may ever come for
them because in most cases, the documents of deposits are never available
to anybody exceptthe depositors most of them dead.Sometime last year
(2004) FINACIAL SECURITY COMPANY LOME TOGO Ltd changed the procedure of
claims of consignments; it will be released to you upon demand. From our
records, more than 80 consignments are unclaimed right now.

This is why I am, soliciting for your cooperation and assistance. I have
finalized every arrangement if you will be able to come and claim
consignment No.1200containing USD15M.

My Duty is to change all the documents information to your name to enable
you act as the depositor. You will Deal directly with the management. The
procedure is simple; you will apply officially to the director of operations
of FINACIAL SECURITY COMPANY LOME TOGO Ltd for the release of Consignment
No 1200 . They will demand some documents and secret codes which I will
give to you before hand to fax to them. As soon as they confirm it to be
correct. They will direct you to the country where you will collect the

But, if you do not want to travel too far you can arrange with them to
transfer the consignment to any where on agreement.Nobody will ever know I
am involved in the deal except my representative who will be with you at
the point of collecting the money. I suggest upon conclusion we share 50-50
each way. At the successful conclusionof this deal, I will retire from
this company and live a better life out this country with my family. I
assure you that the business have been hatched for years now, it is very
secure and 100% risk free. For further explanations and directives on the
procedures reach me immediately as you can equally contact me through
this my

private (

Engr. William Cowen

NB Please contact me on the above mailbox.

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