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Saturday, May 12, 2007

From Ms Sarah Mohamed

From: sarah mohamed -

From Ms Sarah Mohamed.

Dear Friend,


I wish to solicit your help in migrating to your country, my names is Sarah Mohamed the only daughter of Late Dr Fawad Mohamed the former Director of military inteligence and special acting General Manager of the Sudanese mining coperation(SMC ).

Before my father Died , he told me that he deposited $8 million,and 150 kg Gold dust in a Trunk Box in my name SARAH MOHAMED as my personal belongings.

I am contacting you to seek your good ssistance to assist me release the trunk box from the Security Company in Cote D'Ivoire sell the Gold Dust and invest the money to any good business you can manage in your country.

This money is revenues from solid minirals and diamonds sale which were under my Fathers possession before the war broke out.

Following the problems caused by the war , almost all government offices,coperations and parastatals were attacked and vandalized. The SMC was loothed and burnt down to ashes, and diamonds worth millions of dollars was stolen by the rebel military forces who attacked my late father's office.

Many top government officials and senior army officers were assasinated and my late father was a key target because of his very sensitive military possition and appointment in the SMC. Regreatably, my father was captured and murdered along with his half brother in cool blood during a mid- night rebel shoot-out when our official residence in Khartoum was armbushed by notorious rebel leader.

I am Praying That I will find a trustworthy Investor/Guildian who would help me to invest this money in profitable business venture overseas.

I have gone to the Security Company to make inquires about this deposit and I spoke with the Company concerning the deposit,I was told to come forward for claims with my late fathers associate.

If you are willing to assist me, please let me know immediately so that I will send you all the documents concerning the deposit. Please note that I will offer you 25% of the total money and the gold dust after sell as compensation for your noble assistance in accodiance with my late father's advise before he finally died. I am interested in any profitable commercial venture which you consider very good in your country and you would also get a school for me to conclude my High Education.

I hoping to hear your urgent response so that I can not look for another helper.

Thank you and may God bless you and your dear family.
Yours sincerely
Ms Sarah Mohamed

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