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Thursday, June 14, 2007


From: GOOD DAY -

Barrister Mike IgbokweMike Igbokwe & AssociatePlot 401' Attorney Avenue,Lagos Nigeria.private Email{}Tell: +234 803-954-6127
Dear Friend
Please permit my unsolicited mailI am a solicitor at law; as well personal attorney to Mr. Frank Asher,herein after refers as my client, who used to work with Nigeria CementCompany.
Where as My client with his entire family were among the victims of bombexplosion in Lagos, Nigeria, that happened on January 27,2002which,claimed many lives and property,
since then I have made several enquiries to yourembassy to locate any ofmy clients extended relatives this has also proved unsuccessful,I decided to track his last name over the Internet,to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you.
See the 2 website of the bomb explosion below:-
I contacted you to assist in claiming this fund from the finance housewherehe deposited it before his untimely death.The finance company where the deceased had an account valued at aboutUSD{$20 Million} million dollars hasissued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the accountconfiscated within the next ten official working days.
Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 5yearsdue to the change of government. Now I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceasedsince you have the same last name so that the proceeds of this accountvalued at USD{$20 Million} million dollars can be paid to you as thenextof kin.
All I need is your full maximum support and cooperation to enable usachieve this transaction within 10 working days and I guarantee thatthis will be executed under a legitimate arrangementthat will protect you from anybreach of the law.
i all so agree to pay you 40% of the found 50% to mewhy 10% will be pay to you incase of any expances for your sideIn consideration for your assistance, you will not only assist ininvestingthe money,you and I will intitle of a good percentage of the whole proceedsas will be agreed.
Do please indicate your willingness to assist by sending your fullname,address,private telephone and fax numbers your age and youroccupation to enable us commence immediately.
I will inform you on the next step to follow.or you can call me as soon as you receive this email.
{234 803-954-6127}Best regards,
Barrister Mike Igbokwe.
NOTE:All reply regarding this transaction should please send to myprivate email address {} or{}
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