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Friday, September 21, 2007

Mrs Elizabeth Adams

From: Adams -

Mrs Elizabeth Adams

My Dearest One,

It is my pleasure to confide in you without considering the distance between us and I sorry if this proposal embarrases you. I am Mrs Elizabeth Adams, the wife of late Dr. David Adams. My late husband, an Ex-President of BCC(bourse de Cafe and Cacao Bouake chapter) was a Cocoa and Cafe merchant
in my country Cote D'Ivoire before his untimely death.

My husband was short during the war in my country by the rebels in the city of Bouake and was rushed to the hospital here in Abidjan where he later died after 3 days. On that faithful day before he gave up the ghost, it was as if he knew he was going to die,my husband(may his soul rest in
perfect peace) , we never knew he was going to leave us, he called me and my son David Junior and disclosed to me about his properties/assets in my country. Among these is a sealed box containing the sum of US$11 Million which he kept under the costudy of a safe deposite security company in my
country Cote D'Ivoire and other properties which we could not lay our hands on because his brothers were very hostile to us as they maltreated us and seize all except the this box containing the money which they are not aware .

According to my late husband,he wanted to use the money for a new branch of his business in foriegn country. He gave told where he kept the documents related to the box issued to him by the company. He made us to understand that the security company were not aware of the money content of the
box because he decleared it as containing only Gold and family treasures for security reasons and used my son's name as the next of kin.

I have succeeded in locating the security company and confirmed the existence with most honesty and confidentiality. It is in respect of this particular box money I am contacting you to help us retreive the box from the security company and transfer it your country for the investment purpose into
any lucrative business you will direct us because this is our only hope of survival. Your handsome reward is negotiable and I promise to compensate you greatly.

Recently, following the stroke I suffered as a result of my husband's death , my Doctor told me that I may not last for the next six months due to this same illness which is really deterioration day by day, I am not afriad of death as long as my son leaves and am able to find a reliable person
who will guide him in life when I finally pass away.

Please,kindly reply urgently if you are interested to help us faithfully in this project so that I can give you every details you need to know. Due to my health, do call my son David Junior on this phone number: +22505884147 for verbal conversation

Thanks for your kind attention.

Best Regards,
Mrs Elizabeth and Son

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