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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

From Rose

From: rose osafomaafo -

Hello Dear,

Quite frankly, I know it may sound pretty strange for you on How and why I contacted you, but simple reason was that we do not know each other before. It would be very difficult for me to contact anybody here who knows me for this purpose as I may stand the risk and chance of being betrayed because the person would have known my weaknesses, I may even lose my life on the long run but this is an exact opposite on contacting a you a complete stranger to me. I always known that it would be very difficult if not totally impossible for someone who does not know me to hurt me over this funds. I believed in my heart that you will not fail me nor try to do anything funny nor betrayed me.

Although we have not met before but through email communication we can know each other very well. As matter of fact, the reason of dropping this few words to you are because of the need of your assistance to invest in your country through your assistance. My father told me that he has the sum of (USD$12,Millin) that was deposited with security company here in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire west Africa .

my name is Rose Robert Osafo-Maafois the only daughter of former Ghanaian minister of finance. Although he was sacked by President John Kufuor on 28 April 2006 for the fact he signed £29 million book publication contract with Macmillan Education without reference to the Public Procurement Board and without Parliamentary approval. You can read more on this web page

My father and mother was among the dead after a plane carrying at least 104 people crashed in Nigeria on 29 Oct 2006 (may their soul rest in perfect peace). As matter of fact, USD$12 Million part of the money was lodged in consignment into Security company in Europe with my name with?

but I'm presently staying in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire west Africa writing you now. Please get this very clear my Father Mr,Robert Osafo-Maafois left in a metalic trunk box, wich he deposited in a Security Company here in Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire west Africa ., that he registered it as family valuable items for security reasons, he told me that I should contact the Company for them to know me as his next of kin wich I have did as he instructed me,

He also told me that I should not let any of his relations to know about this because he was kiled by them and if they know about it, that they will do nothing but to kill me in other to take hold of every thing, He told her that I should seek for a foriegn partner abroad who will help me retreived the trunk box and also exept me and the family member's and also travel with him or her in other to continue my Live and Education and also to start a Bussines relationship with the person whom can take cere of me in the fuctureI would like you to give this a highly confidential approach.

Any question you wish to ask concerning this transaction do not delay to ask.

I wait your response.

Thank you soo much for your understanding and may almighty God bless you and your Family,

My sincere regards,
Miss Rose Osafo-Maafo.

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