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Thursday, March 08, 2007


From: Cornelius -

Unidentified gunmen allegedly linked to the governor and members of the APPO periodically clashed.
Specifically, news outlets reported the need to self-censor investigative reports because of the potential for courts to award high damages in cases of defamation. At year's end the case was before the court. Approximately 32 percent of respondents perceived police corruption as a serious problem. During the year the IG investigated allegations of police abuses and remanded to the courts for review 41 cases in which police allegedly used excessive force.
The officer was arrested.
The Inter American Press Association condemned the Granada mayor's harassment of La Prensa and its journalists and called on government authorities to guarantee press freedom. During the year MINUSTAH investigated five cases of sexual exploitation and abuse of minors by MINUSTAH security forces. At certain lower security prisons, women were held with the general population.
James police headquarters lock-up in Montego Bay.
While civilian authorities generally maintained effective control of the security forces, there were some cases of human rights abuses reported involving the police.
The independent media were active and expressed a wide variety of views without restriction.
The government provided temporary protection to a number of persons who did not qualify as refugees under the UN treaties.
The defense attorney requested DNA testing, but the court denied the request.
On September 26, gang members killed eight residents of Martissant's Fontamara district.
The law also provides that prisoners have the right to prompt access to family members. The state provides indigent detainees access to counsel through the legal aid program, and detainees were provided with prompt access to family members.
The HNP is an officially autonomous civilian institution under a director general who controls the force. At year's end there were no developments regarding any investigation of the matter. Freedom of Movement Within the Country, Foreign Travel, Emigration, and RepatriationThe law provides for these rights, and the government generally respected them in practice. At the end of the year there was no information available regarding a police investigation of the matter.
The Department of Correctional Services took measures during the year to improve catering services and also entered into a new contract for insect and rodent control for all facilities. In the same detention center, a minor detainee died from a gunshot discharged from a guard's gun that had been smuggled into the center.
Suspected retribution killings also occurred.
On September 29, Aminta Granera ordered Bendana to retire based on suspicion of corruption, bribery, and obstruction of justice.
Immigration officers interviewed all Haitians who arrived during the year, determined that none qualified for refugee status, and repatriated all of them.
After the incident, the Public Ministry and a juvenile court judge ordered the removal of armed guards from the detention center.
Low wages and lack of internal controls rendered judicial officials susceptible to bribery, and powerful special interests exercised influence in the outcomes of court proceedings. No officer was found criminally liable during the year.
The IG's office punished 177 officers for violating human rights through dishonorable discharges, demotions, and other measures. As of year's end the courts had not rendered decisions on any of these cases. Complainants may bring human rights abuse cases for civil remediation to the courts, but awards can be difficult to collect. After the incident, the Public Ministry and a juvenile court judge ordered the removal of armed guards from the detention center. Most judges were appointed after serving in the public prosecutor's office, and it was very difficult for a private attorney or one who specialized in defense to be appointed as a judge.
Authorities suspended two prison officials and opened an investigation. The state provides indigent detainees access to counsel through the legal aid program, and detainees were provided with prompt access to family members